Meet flix!

Hey there! I'm Flix, a 16 year old passionate Roblox UI designer. I started my UI Design journey in 2020 during the pandemic which really opened my eye to Roblox and the whole designing community. I'm currently a high school student in my third year based in the USA, juggling both academics and design.

I'm constantly challenging my skills, exploring new techniques, and pushing the boundaries of my creativity to deliver visually captivating and user-friendly interfaces. With each project, I strive to blend aesthetic appeal with seamless functionality, aiming to enhance the overall user experience and leave a lasting impression.

Beyond design, I enjoy immersing myself in various hobbies and interests, seeking inspiration from the world around me to infuse into my work. Whether it's exploring the latest design trends, experimenting with new concepts, or simply soaking in the beauty of everyday life, I'm always eager to learn and grow as a designer.

Join me on this exciting journey as I continue to evolve and refine my craft, one pixel at a time.

Transform Your Roblox Game

Enhance the user experience of your Roblox game with our custom UI designs

Official Rates

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